Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Shrimp! XD

This animation packed with tons of laughter bombs, nonetheless, the ending might be a bit rush but it ends up nicely, I love the plot, Ika Musume a.k.a squid girl, for being an invader and ended up to be a beach restaurant waitress, randomly, making out of fun from nowhere.

I do hope it comes out 2nd season though XD

Saturday, December 11, 2010



最近追看的戏剧有tvb 巾帼枭雄II之义海豪情,动漫Shinryaku! Ika Musume, Motto To Love Ru.

先说义海豪情,这部片真有够emo的,九姑娘和刘醒演技精湛,还有黄浩然和陈法拉的情侣对角戏,麦长青奸到出位的'非凡哥',台湾谐星金刚的日本头头,还有很多很多,都让我回味无穷XD要说剧本,有点拖拉,为的是让观众更加了解故事,剧情紧扣紧张,却不忘了日记本记述文法交待剧情。 强烈推荐 rating 9.5 XD

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Cold Bullet Blues

5th December 10

Everytime I see the faces of yours, you just give me the joy that full of lovely mad,since when you're become too sweet to killing me? Haha, I just don't know.XP

Christmas is near, I think of two things, turkey feast and a house full of hollysXD

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Memories of the Days gone By

2nd December 2010

Flew back to my hometown attending one of my most important friend's wedding, just a blink of an eye, she's already become the loveliest bride in the town, mature even. Best wish to both of them live with full of happiness forever. XD

I just got my 21 birthday over with a loveliest chocolate indulgence cake with my fellow friends, 21, and I don't think that I'm mature enough to be 21 yet. XD

Okay, party time's over, time to get back on the track again, work best for the rest of the days of this semester. XD

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

i Love

i Love you from my heart
i Love you forever with you

At the beginning and end of the day
you are there by my side, that’s my everyday life.
As I wake up I see you waiting to give me hot coffee,
and I embrace your left arm~

On my fingers I counted down the days until I could see you again.
Now the days we can’t see each other have grown fewer.
Who would’ve expected we’d find such happiness!? But just like that you and I fell in love.

I love you. Everything about you. This is the first time I’ve felt this way.
I love you. Forever and always. These feelings won’t ever change.

Only I know that innocent smile of yours.
You’re actually just a spoiled kid.
You’re honest like a child. Boys are kind of cool,
But I tease them when they’re good-looking (lol)

Don’t ever let go of my hand.
We vowed this would be our final love.
“Should we still keep this a secret?” I grinned by myself past midnight.

I love you. Everything about you. This is the first time I’ve felt this way.
I love you. Forever and always. These feelings won’t ever change.

Understanding you, I understood myself.
When it’s not enough we’ll come together as one, right?

I love you. Everything about you. Tomorrow and the day after too.
I love you. I’m sure we’ll call this happiness.

i Love you. Everything about you. This is the first time I’ve felt this way.
I love you. Forever and always. These feelings won’t ever change.

i Love you from my heart
i Love you forever with you

1日の始まりと 終わりには
いつも傍にあなたがいる そんな毎日
目を覚ませば 温かいコーヒー入れて待ってる


愛してる あなたのこと 初めてのキモチよ
愛してる ずっとずっと 変わらないキモチ

無邪気なその笑顔は 私だけが知ってる
子供みたいに素直ね 男は少しクールなくらいが
カッコいいとイジメたり (笑)

今はまだ内緒にしておこうか一人でニヤけてる 午前0時過ぎ

愛してる あなたのこと 初めてのキモチよ
愛してる ずっとずっと 変わらないキモチ

あなたを知って 自分を知った
足りないとこは 満たし合って二人で一つでしょ?

愛してる あなたのこと 明日も明後日も
愛してる きっとこれを シアワセと呼ぶのね

i Love you あなたのこと 初めてのキモチよ
愛してる ずっとずっと 変わらないキモチ

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Day When You and The Sun Died

11th 11 2010

On the way to a perfect wedding dress, I'm like a men sewing machine these days =.=''

Why does it have to be so hard? for me to change myself? Everyday I woke up, I see myself as nothing, nothing besides miserable...

two more weeks and I'm reaching 21, and yet it doesn't triumph me over with what I have now...

There's always some people, dragging me down, fuck me, am I always the one who getting drag down? or I'm the one that brings people down? I wish I were the last one, but I just letting someone manipulate over my god damn life.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Pledge, The Turn and The Prestige

9th 10 2010

If I were to perform a magic, my pledge will be a big honeypot filled with sweet honey, you might as well can come up to inspect whether it is just a normal honeypot. Okay, here is the turn, I will cover the honeypot with a red cloth and the time I pull off the cloth, all the honey within the pot will be dissapear into thin air. Now is the pledge, I've gotta bring something back right? Making something disappear isn't enough, that's why I'm going to open up the pot cover, and there will be a thousand of bees swarm out freely from the honeypot XD

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Under The Honey Shine -HOTD-

26th September 2010

Here's what I've been addicted into it recently, a highly hot blooded ass-kicked zombies killing anime.

HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD, a manga written by Daisuke Sato and illustrated by Shouji Sato. Animation are done by Madhouse and released in 12 chapter for season one.

A bunch of high school students found their world has fall apart ever since the zombies outbreak in their school, and caught in the middle of bloodshed of dead-walking apocalypse. The main protagonist, Takashi Komura, managed to breakthrough the humiliated killings done by zombies along with his classmates and a school nurse. The plot is nonetheless by just serious zombies survival but surround with hot hormonal, aggressively teenagers, excite by friendships bonded with moral codes, ultimately hot sexy scenes and ass-kicked adventure.

The opening theme song of the animation, HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD sung by Kishida Kyōdan and The Akeboshi Rockets. Each chapter will be closing by different ending theme songs sung by Kurosaki Maon.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hehe XD


nagai ma~ it's been a while that I didn't update my blog >~<

I stayed back at my hometown two weeks for my holiday, it's been peace and lovely (Sleepy) for me XD Have a great time with my friend, barbeque and early celebrating lantern festival ^^

Ah ah ah~ here comes the new Linkin Park album, I love it XD gonna get it from the store next month as soon as I got my allowance XD

Here's the anime I fell in love recently >~< Sekirei, a fun ecchi anime with great battles ^^, recommend to everyone whom like animation. ^^

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Strange Foreign Beauty


Caught Repo Men last few days, it is a really nice movie I've seen in this year besides Inception, Jude Law is amazingly caught my eye XD

Here's this song, that I recently fell in love with, again,^^
Strange Foreign Beauty-MLTR

Strange foreign beauty
I'll never know what's in your heart
Does anyone know how it feels to hold you
does anyone know the secret of your mind

Strange foreign beauty
I'll never come to share your world
Does anyone know how it feels to live with you
does anyone know the secret of your life

Strange foreign beauty
You'll never know what I felt for you
Sometimes it feels like a million chances
are slipping away disappearing in the air

Post chorus:
(You'll) never know what I felt for you
you were always on my mind
(I'll) never know how it feels to hold you
how it feels to be with you

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Never Told You

Finally, we're done for this semester, something happened, but something's changed. I got back that peace of mind, things quiet down again...

And I am wondering again, how are you? Are you alright? I've always hope to see the beautiful face of yours but.. everytime I got back, it seems I don't have the chance, I would like to know what you're doing now... I've always wanted you to know that I...I miss you with more than I can bare...

I've always dreamt of, you and me are together, we've walked through a sand beach, a beautiful garden, a bar's staircases, many.. But I know it's all just a dream, and each time I woke up, I realized something's
changed, forever.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

One Simple Idea


Been through many places for photo shooting assignments, freakingly tired these few days..

Happy Birthday to pet society! XD, and my new lovely cafe is finally open^^ feel free to step inside and have a tea =)

Spotted this glamor model on playboy facebook site, Jordan Carver, she's so sweet^^ love her so much XD

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dreams Within Dreams

Inception on 28th night, this movie is really awesome, Nolan's another masterpieces which can provides you an imagination tat is beyond ultimate=)

I'm really impressed of it's story line, even after I walked out from the auditorium, there's still lots of 'Dream' thoughts stuck in my mind.

You're waiting for a train; a train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you can't be sure. But it doesn't matter - because we'll be together.


作者: wakau (夜風) 看板: movie
標題: [討論] INCEPTION / 全面啟動 / 潛行凶間(大雷)
時間: Mon Jul 19 23:23:44 2010

Inception 係我個人覺得過去十年以及未來十年最好的電影,不是它說教也不是它將人世間的甜酸揉雜為一,而是以說故事的技巧、鋪排,由始至終都讓觀眾無從期望,也無從失望,相信當中許多場面會成為經典,明明銀幕就在眼前,觀眾的腦海無法不想像銀幕以外的事情;改變人的想法靠童年、靠一個click/共嗚、靠想像力和創意,以自己的神智押上當成賭注,輸贏只差一秒,現實方一秒,夢中的夢可能已過十年,聰明的觀眾,到底哪一個夢是真的夢,到底哪一個現實是假的現實? 劇終圓滿歸一。



故事主角Cobb(Leonardo)係一名做夢高手,入人夢可讀出潛意或秘密或很重要的一些商業決策,算係一名商業間諜偷取資訊;合作伙伴 Arthur,冷靜、帥、聰明但缺乏想像力;於一次盜取商業機密時與齊藤不打不相識,齊藤故意讓Cobb 團隊進入夢中夢,以確認Cobb實有於夢中取秘密之能力;因齊藤亦曾受潛意保衛的訓練,導致Cobb 該次行動失敗。Cobb的失敗招殺身之禍,惟齊藤同時亦工排另一個工作機會予Cobb,Cobb在毫無選擇的情況下接受了;該項工作難度極高,不是偷取資訊,而是──Inception,進入做夢者的夢並植入想法。



以上的方法中,A就是Cobb的團隊,B則係小Fisher,小Fisher爸爸大Fisher係齊藤的競爭對手,從事能源產業,大Fisher行將就木而若小Fisher繼承遺產後將繼承的能源王國解散,則可幫上齊藤很大的忙,所以Cobb受齊藤委託進入小Fisher的夢,製造夢中夢,去植入"解散公司"的思想,當然在夢中不能直接出現 "解散公司"的對白,反而是用情感去說服小Fisher相信他爸爸希望他能建立自己的事業,而不是跟隨父業。如完成任務,齊藤可幫Cobb撤銷目前他所負的控罪──謀殺妻子,亦是Cobb可回家與兒女共聚的唯一方法,所以齊藤將係Cobb最後一個僱主。


1. 只要在夢中死去(包括自殺),就自然會醒來(這不是很多人的真實經驗嗎?)
2. 必須要有造夢者建構夢的場景及建築,應按任務需要將夢的場景做成迷宮或胡同
3. 進入別人的夢時,夢裡的路人係夢者的潛意投,路人一直凝望入侵者係因為夢者發現自己的夢被入侵,潛意想找出入侵者
4. 夢中夢愈多層愈不穩,很容易醒來,入侵者來不及盜取或植入資訊所以任務會失敗,要排除不穩定性可使用鎮定劑
5. 如果鎮定劑用太多,一直做很多夢中夢,在夢中會迷失,不知自己在第幾層夢,即使在n層自殺醒來,在n-1層夢可能以為自己在現實,不知自己仍在夢中,這就是混沌狀態;電影中Cobb、老婆、齊藤及小Fisher皆曾經進入混沌
6. 現實5分鐘,在夢中已是1小時(第一層夢);十小時的現實時間,於第三層夢係十年
7. 圖騰(TOTEM)係一件私人物件,只有自己知道它的重量,可藉著它的存在與重量而知道自己在現實而不是在夢中,因為除了自己之外,無人知道或會複製圖騰;如果有人碰過你的圖騰,他可以侵入你的夢,在夢中讓你拿著本來只有你知道重量的那個圖騰,讓你以為自己在現實,然後永遠不知自己在做夢,進入
混沌,所以放棄自己的圖騰/ 將自己圖騰給別人 等於放棄回到現實的能力

第一層夢:在飛機上做的 ? 進入綁架,飆車 ? 靠車衝入水中而醒
第二層夢:在車上做的 ? 在酒店房內騙小Fischer躺在床上 ? 原本靠房內引爆裝置炸塌而醒,結果因無第一層夢的車已懸於空中甚至變成自由落體,故第二層已出現無地心引力狀態,故後來須以炸電梯造成衝擊力而有跌下感覺而醒
第三層夢:在酒店做的 ? 進入雪景 ? 以炸毀基地而醒
第四層夢:在雪地基地地上做的 ?因Fisher在雪景已瀕死,其進入混沌, Cobb與Ariadne一起進入小Fisher夢,最後Ariadne踢小Fisher下樓和自己跳樓而醒

老婆一次又一次出現,各人都告訴Cobb,老婆已死,不要讓她在Cobb的夢裡騷擾Cobb 的任務,尤其係Ariadne (爸爸的女學生) 數次入侵Cobb的潛意識,想知道到底Cobb有沒有殺害妻子。在第四層夢裡,出現一座座與老婆住過的不同房子,說明曾經與老婆做過很多夢,一起變老人,經歷五十年,甚至一起?火車軌;漸漸地,老婆愛上做夢,願回到現實,不相信現實中有兒女,不相信Cobb口中的那對孩童正在等父母,老婆更以為 "孩童只是Cobb潛意反射,孩童只是在夢中存在,真實的生活他們是沒有兒女,所以沒有兒女的世界才是真實,有兒女的世界才是夢?" 跟Cobb 對真實生活中有一對兒女一事的認知差天共地,他開始對"一直做夢做下去"這件事生厭,所以他籌謀帶老婆離開夢,但老婆已經放棄圖騰了。


Ariadne一次入侵Cobb的最深層的夢時(B/f),老婆曾經向Cobb說過一句:到底是誰活在夢裡? 你快醒來吧?不要覺得自己是被警察追捕或是被匿名公司追殺,你才是在夢裡? 此時觀眾應該會想,是shutter island 2嗎? 怎麼又是Leonardo在做夢? 當然後來大家還是比較傾向相信:老婆自殺一事是真的,並如Cobb 所描述,自已被控謀殺,繼而開始離家逃亡的日子。

這是在電影中最難以理解的概念,大部份觀眾都無法經歷的狀態;電影曾出現個數次混沌,一次是齊藤在車上中槍及雪地幾乎死去所經歷,一次係小Fischer 在雪地被老婆槍殺而經歷;另一次係Cobb跟老婆經歷了很長久(50年?)的一次混沌,最終極而且無法走下去的夢境,驅使他們要回到現實,在第四層夢見到他跟老婆曾經有過的混沌,也同時出現小Fischer在第三層被電擊的閃電。根據電影,為達到夢中夢而不醒的穩定效果,注射鎮定劑是必要的,但如果夢中太多夢中夢,在任何一個層次死亡,是無法在現實甦醒過來,因為用藥太重,如無法從正常途徑醒過來則會陷入混沌,無法回到現實(應該與痴呆同類),一個人孤獨老去。

第二個混沌:Cobb 與老婆的五十年,不願回到現實的夫妻
首先我們要搞清楚Cobb到底最後有無在混沌找到齊藤?因為大家都游上水面唯獨無他兩位上水的一幕。其次係即使如最後一後,Cobb再遇老齊藤,那根槍,有無發射?如有,那就是一起醒來,如無,即兩人繼續混沌中,回不到真實的世界。最後,究竟第一幕係純粹Cobb與齊藤不打不相識的夢中夢,還是後來彼此進入混沌的倒?法說明手法? 這的確很懸疑,如果這是倒?法,那麼導演可藉著用一模一樣的對白,但電影裡 "孤獨的老去"分別自老齊藤及Cobb 口中講出,雖然場照一樣,但我比較傾向這前後兩幕並不屬於同一個時空。

這電影,讓觀眾無法確定故事的單一性,整個故事是一個Loop/ Maze,故事以下的各個狀態皆有可能,視乎觀眾希望夢在哪裡開始:

1. 順應導演的時序,齊藤係因Cobb的任務失敗而順勢威脅Cobb,要Cobb為齊藤多做一票,最後成功向Fisher incept解散公司的想法,然後齊藤履行承諾以一通電話撤銷Cobb的控罪;

2. Cobb 等人(包括小Fisher)係做夢高手亦係好朋友是真的,老婆自殺嫁禍以致不可回國是真的,齊藤有能力幫Cobb撤銷罪項是真的,但一開始博康工業的任務是假的(是夢),齊藤反offer Cobb一個對付Fisher家族的任務也是假的(是夢),都是Cobb等人在飛機上入侵齊藤的夢,火車上直昇機上都仍然係夢(或夢中夢),目的幫助 Cobb去催眠齊藤,為齊藤植入"需要幫助大恩人Cobb" 的想法,最後大家成功incept齊藤幫現實裡的

3. 另一個版本主導者係Cobb的父親,兒子Cobb因老婆死了(死因不重要)而神經病,他無法接受老婆死了的現實,患上討厭兒女/棄養的精神病,不想回家 /傷心地,即使下班/回國/任何時候都不想回家見兒女;其慈父係做夢高手/心理學家且有一女高徒Ariadne,Ariadne聯同其他高手(包括 Arthur、小Fisher及齊藤等人,他們不是Cobb的朋友)幫助老師(Cobb父)去治癒Cobb,向Cobb incept他自己很想回家的想法,同時先讓在Cobb的夢複雜化他老婆的死因以及不能回家的苦況,甚至令他以為有混沌這個狀態,向Cobb incept 一堆有的沒的包括齊藤及小Fisher的敵對角色,讓Cobb覺得自己很努力想回家,不惜一切地回家;最後Ariadne等人成功讓Cobb醒覺,回家見小孩,大團圓結局;

4. 主角Cobb只是一個普通人,並非什麼做夢入侵著,有慈父一位(不是什麼做夢大師)及子女各一,老婆可不論(可是在生或已死)。工作需要出差,剛好要坐長途飛機回家了,在機上看到6, 7名乘客,算是一面之緣,在飛機上就睡著了,開始做夢,而夢中的人只是陌生人──旁邊的乘客。其實很多人在長途航線中都會睡,臨降落就會醒,Cobb醒來最晚,大家都剛是剛睡醒跟旁邊的人打個招呼,而不是夢高手或富豪,日本人打電話是單純的著陸前打一個電話,與特赦罪犯無關。然後Cobb終於出差完成回國,慈父接機,回家看孩子,身上的玩意不是什麼圖騰而只是平日愛玩陀螺而已。

另一個線索讓我更傾向接受 "小Fisher的真實不是小開" 的所有結局,即上述第一個結局是我最不滿意,因為一個人死後通常會葬在自己的國家,所以奔喪的小Fisher應該是回老家才對,為什麼他在飛機上向空中服務員要了一張 "immigration card"? 另外,跨國企業之子坐擁私人飛機(甚至機師),也應該有私人助理?為何對最後卻要自己等行李? 所以結論傾向係小Fisher 這個人物並非什麼鉅賈,只係一個坐頭等倉的乘客?這樣的想法不好嗎?這可引伸到,齊膝、Ariadne等人向Cobb的微笑亦不難理解,因為Cobb 剛做完惡夢滿面疑狐及驚惶,在飛機快抵達目的地時醒來,身旁乘客報以微笑是正常的舉動,而且導演故意將Cobb、老齊藤及手槍那幕留白,只不過係讓觀眾自己去思考。前提及的第二至四個結局的可能性卻又係建基於第一個結局的存在,然後慢慢反推倒底第一幕跟最後一幕的老齊藤,誰才是較早的夢境?如果沒有結局 1.,Maze 也建構不成。

Inception是一套完美的電影,永遠在最critical 的時點馬上cut──Cobb 到底有沒有上水? 老齊藤的槍是否發射? 最後的陀螺有沒有停下? 到底哪個才是比較合理的版本? 夢在什麼時候開始? 建構者想Loop的是反射人物的追捕還是觀眾的思維?

這電影漂亮之處就係它可以隨觀眾的想像力而轉變,哪裡才是夢的開始?誰本來是敵人、本來是同隊、本來的思維如何?Cobb愛小孩? 齊藤要反壟斷?是小Fisher太軟弱而被騙還是他就是騙人自己是小開的做夢高手?


動人的電影,不一定只要一個單一的結局,能為觀眾製造想像的空間,係電影製作人成功的最重要元素;看完Inception,這套電影是一場夢,充滿不同的可能性,讓人無法知道,哪一層才是第一層的夢,哪裡才是電影的開始,廿一世紀最偉大導演我投Christopher Nolan一票。

最後,我覺得電影的名字,香港版本比台灣版本稍勝 ── 潛行凶間!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Need You Now


Think that I cannot quit smoking that easily, if I didn't get a shot for a long time, I felt something is wrong inside my body, oh shit... shouldn't took so much..

I hope I can reach 'Inception' at cinema shortly, I don't wanna miss it seriously.. but I don't have much time and I'm running out of money these days..=.=''

two songs running inside my mind, Need you now by Lady Antebellum and Love the way you lie, featuring Eminem and Rihanna, both of them, I like it.XD

Monday, July 12, 2010



Another busy week... Presentation's on tomorrow, and I hate it=.="

Currently I'm addicted to Malay songs, especially Faizal Tahir's, his new album done nothin but very great job, recommend one of his new hitz "Selamat Malam"XD

and finally, I got my new folk guitarXD, cost almost 180 dollar for it, and I'm just over triumphed with itXD I'm going to play Hey Soul Sister with stylesXD

Friday, July 2, 2010

Let it Be~

Watched Toy Story 3 few days ago, such a great memorably^^ lovely and funny ever,should be the best movie of the year thoughXD
P.S I love spanish mode buzz lightyear XD

I'm havin my dinner at Winter Warmers now and there's a bunch of Pretty folks singin Let It Be~ and I'm singing along too^^

Assignments are still on my ways=.=

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Won't Be Long

The new theme of Pet Society~ Kinda love it though, but the previous wedding's week were still the most awesome one XD

23/6/10 -After 7 hours of sewing-
Geez, spending my whole day sewing a stupid shirt, frankly speaking sewing is not really one of my field, but there's still a lot of sewing work coming up...=.=''

There's a lot of nice song stuck in my mind recently~^^, local pop What You Waiting For, Lifehouse 'Had Enough', 'Halfway Gone'...

'Hey soul sister ain't that mister mister on the radio stereo,the way you move ain't fair you know~'
Trying to play 'Hey Soul Sister', the chords just doing really great XD

Watched The Karate Kid week ago, Jaden Smith is so much alike his father, love this kid sooo much XD and Jackie Chan, sad things to us, he never plays fighting scene that much anymore compare to his previous movies, maybe he is just old enough to retire from action movie..

Ending theme song from this movie, 'Never Say Never', one word-GREAT XD

For all this time, I found out that Goo Goo Dolls song still the best for me ^^,

This month could be a fucking busy for me =.=, coursework is drowning the class..

There's a bad time for me past few weeks, but now I'm just in the VERY good mood, and I'm going to keep it as long as I can, enjoying the things I do and have now.^^
I mean, why let those shit messed us up? It won't do anybody good though...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


So much, Assassin Creed 3, F.3.A.R, Toy Story 3(which is coming soon), the Expendable...

I'm runnin free past few days, comfort and pleasure, and I just somehow realise that happiness is just within our control, don't expect someone will give ya, just find it yourself, surprisingly you might easily get some^^

Truly hopes, that you will surprise me thoughXD

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wedding Party

Wedding theme on Pet Society this week, YayXD I'm soooo in love right nowXD

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Collision Course


Recently I'm havin' insomniac, I rolled on the bed like tuna roll for four hours and I can't get my fucking eyes shut=.='' What the hell is going wrong with me? duh...

Recently I'm havin' a lot of worries to be not actually to worry about... self founded misery... and what? I'm going into the same situation again? I really don't deserve this kinda shit.. why me again?

Recently I'm good in friendships, (and I'm always have) that's the only things beside family that can make secure me.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Lonely Cafe

My new rooftop cafe is available at 24/7 XD

Caught The Bounty Hunter at oneU, Gerard and Jennifer is so awesome^^

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Am I Happy Now?


Friday, May 7, 2010


这次我走开 再没有话要说出来
我不想再期待走下去 还能多精彩
可是我知道你 你为什么说谎

你说你还在 一分一秒也没走开
我想留在这里 可是这一切已太晚
你不必解释 你为什么说谎

说我没等过难过 我也想说
而我的泪 怎么就流下来

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Japanese theme on Pet Society! yay~ XD what a lovely design^^

Should I give up? or shouldn't? But I was so tired of dealing with this kinda problem.. it makes me so depressed...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Words Drowned by Fireworks


Went to Mid Valley with my friends this afternoon, enjoyin' starbucks sweet sweet cafe latte. XD
Went to Doris's birthday trip, from Lookout Point all the way down to Little Tree's, funny and nice moment to shared. ^^

I've thousands of words to say, but all it gets drowned..
I'm trying to be nice...
Bless me...
May hope I'm not going to screw up this time...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Chasing the Storm


Please, please let me stay away from this... I have a very bad feelings on everything... this might not pretty, and mostly end up badly...

Why me again? Fuck this, I'm not going to let anyone control me, anything of me, not again.

Friday, March 26, 2010



Two events are coming on its way, busy-ing... I can't even go for shopping, relax and etc... F- this busy semester =.=''

Speaking of which... I wish I could get someone else comes in my life faster before I fell in love with someone else... Don't understand what I'm talking about? Then just forget it -.- XD

I'm currently in deep desperation actually, I think I might lose control...
But still, there's a peace in my mind.. I'm trying to finish my own space that no one, can comes in easilyXD

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

From Paris With LOVE

Impressive action movie that I've watched in this year, John Travolta is hot hot hot~XD and Rhys Meyers did the same things XD

Recently, quite frustrating on studies syllabus... but I hope I can overcome it..

P.S Here's my new quotes, Life is meaningless without movieee XD

Thursday, March 4, 2010

In My Heart

yeepiiii~~~~!! Finally got my dream phone, three years, and I thought it might not going to be on of my collection, but it still, came into my hands XD big hugXD

Friday, February 26, 2010

Life is like...


Something's personal, I must get myself drown into studies and works as soon as I can, currently there's a lot of stuff strikes on mind that makes me frustrated and gained depression..

<<<<< got this cutest Buneary and Loppuny picture recently XD and remember this pics folks, you see them at Facebook, MSN, you see me (^^,)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010



My plans are ruined just because of you, fucker, I wanted my life to be happy and perfect, and I finally can achieved some, but you came down there and spoiled me, you are nothing but a fuckslut, and I wish you nothing but you'll never get your true love in the rest of your life.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Quick Post

Yippee, first shopping at Ebay XD I hope I can get my items without any accidentally^^,

I'm having a lot of fun times with my friends and family during CNY, looking forward to This Sunday nightXD

Wednesday, February 3, 2010



I'm training boxing recently, feels like have to tough up my nerves a bit XD And I'm going to maintain a healthy lifestyle start of this year, and this goes into my plan for the year ^^


Having a weird day dreaming ever, woke up miserably and oh, yeah, I feels like I'm not stucked anymore. Here's what happen, I don't know what have I done said to make she never reply my message since past few weeks ago, and I just don't care anymore, I guess this is just all over, isn't it? ^^

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Ah ah ah, finally got it spotted at oneU anime merchandise shop^^ and I bought it.



Exam is finished, thank god that I still can manage to answer 60 out of 100XD
Holiday's plan is on going guysXD

Lately, I finished the story of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, intertwine story between Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. Nice game though, Square-Enix has been pushed the limit of the NDS via this lovely game. King Mickey were adorable, although I finish the main walkthrough, I still into the challenge mode by using Mickey Mouse as a crazy slayer. go Mickey!!XD

''You have poured so many memories into me... given me so much.. that I feel like I'm about to overflow..'' Xion

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Another Boring Day....

Woke up miserably, no appetite for lunch and dinner, something that kinda pissed me off...

By the way, I watched The Spy Next Door at OneU today, Jacky Chan's classic fighting scene is always laugh my ass offXD nice movie though, considered it as another heart warmed movie at the beginning of this year besides Old Dogs^^

Being tired for all of this shit.. I feel like I'm going to fall down deeply and burst in silence.. If I had a choice, I'll let you slumber at my chest, and kill you.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Nothing Escapes Him

Oh, what a good day, Sherlock Holmes is On our local screen at December last year but I only manage to watched it just now XD It was hilarious fun and... nothing really escapes from Holmes! Robert Downey JR. and Jude Law did a great job XD My first movie in 2010, a great start for a movie buff like me ^^

I make my 'first' phone call, to her, and I've never heard her voice since that day we messed things up... She felt sick and did have a weak voice, for Now all I hope is she will get better and healthier, that would be my first request to God in the beginning of this year.^^,

Tuesday, January 5, 2010



Duh, guess I'm just going to keep blogging this few days~ XD
Found out a beautiful singer with a beautiful voice, Dream-Priscilla Ahn, check this out yo~
Now there's one more beautiful place I wish to visit, Chicago ;p

Movie for a Day-
Management from Steve Zahn and Jennifer Aniston, its a awkward but really nice, love story^^
I really love watching Jennifer fall in love(^^,). Going to her next movie, Along Came Polly, Imma write a comment about this, its Ben Stiller and her starring on this movie, can't wait for it^^

Monday, January 4, 2010

You Have No Idea~~

Guess what, its winter ski-ing theme on Pet Society this week^^ I've done decorating by using one hour for my 2nd bedroom, tough things to accomplish, feel proud of myself XD(emo-ing);p

1st Monday of 2010, nothing surprise but having a really bad time on playing left 4 dead 2=.='' Arghhh mean Tank sucker you are really pissed me off! >.<

About ''The Break-Up''
I didn't manage to get to watch it at cinema three years ago, but after I finished it, I found out that Vince Vaughn is just ass-kicked hilarious! I'm going to look after his movies^^
The movie is just about a break-up couples who did really missed their chance, times for them to realise, that they didn't hold on the things that they are suppose to hold on to--Love. Divorce and apart, but personally I like the ending part, which its obviously leads that they still have both of their heart to give each others. Perhaps, time is all we need, to know that how important of the person we love could meant to be.

There's one things you will never know, you are my worst nightmare in my life, and you could meant everything to me...

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Year Ends With Us


Thanks to my friends who's with me celebrating New Year's eve at LaUnDrY, I have a great night, the musics are getting hotter and louder when the time is just before to 12am 01 01 2010 XD and of course, the top notches is Hotel Room Service, it was sooo awesome XD

Okay, you ask me what I wishes to be this year? Haha, its simple, Imma gonna have a Fender guitar, perform some songs with my dear friends, everything goes fine on my study and that's it^^

My dudes, you guys done great everyday, love you all XD

And you, yet,I still love you so much XP